Mothership Coffee Roasters, Juanny Romero
I am Juanny Romero, a bold MOTHER, a straight-up supersonic boss, fearless female CEO of color, and a child of immigrants. 我与女性农民合作,采购合乎道德的咖啡,呼吸社会变革. My vehicle for that change is coffee, and I’ve been hard at it for 15 years, 打造该国为数不多的女性和少数族裔拥有的咖啡品牌之一. I am a VEGAS Inc 40 under 40, a NAWBO Entrepreneur of the Year, a Leadership Las Vegas Alumna, 以及2023年内华达州年度小企业人物和2023年SBA年度小企业人物全国亚军. 我的热情是通过我的家人、员工和客户投资于我的社区. My work is to create what matters, and what matters is connection. So get on board: grab some Mothership Coffee and drink like a MOTHER!
在Mothership Coffee Roasters,我的使命是通过优质的咖啡创造有意义的联系. As CEO, 我每天尽我所能让这个使命为越来越多的人实现. Now that we are opening our sixth cafe and are available at retailers, restaurants, and businesses across the region, 我特别自豪的是,我们当地烘焙的咖啡来自女性拥有的农业合作社, and that our “Sip with Purpose” program directly supports local charities, non-profits, and social organizations with every latte purchased.
Starting Mothership Coffee Roasters was personal for me, 出于对商业的热情和克服挑战的坚定决心,我是一个来自皇后区贫民区的混血儿, New York. When I started out, I wanted to create a place where someone like me could go to relax, connect, and enjoy delicious coffee. Today, 我继续对年轻时的自己做出这一承诺,确保Mothership为女性咖啡生产者提供支持和赋权, sustainable roasting practices, and celebrates women coffee drinkers wherever our coffee is served. Our commitment to inclusivity, fairness, 我们生产的每一杯咖啡和提供的每一道菜都体现了良好的道德规范. 我非常自豪地知道,我们的品牌已经对全球许多女性咖啡农和当地咖啡饮用者的生活产生了积极影响.
Mothership Coffee Roasters是美国为数不多的女性和少数族裔拥有的咖啡品牌之一. We're truly passionate about sourcing ethical coffee, 创造空间,让各行各业和各种信仰的人都能安全地做自己, and using our resources to drive positive social change. Because our mission is to create meaningful connections through great coffee, we ensure all of our cafes are unique and uniquely beautiful, that they reflect and amplify the communities they are in, 他们是人们聚在一起,一边喝着美味的饮料,一边建立有意义的联系的完美场所. At Mothership Coffee Roasters, 我们致力于为顾客提供最好的咖啡体验,同时对世界产生积极的影响.
As a passionate entrepreneur, 我认识到寻求专家指导的价值,这将使我的业务更上一层楼. 当我意识到SCORE是我业务的完美合作伙伴时,这是一个关键时刻. 他们宝贵的见解和坚定的支持正是我所需要的,帮助我弥合了阻碍我前进的知识鸿沟. 有了SCORE,我有机会接触到一群热心的专业人士,他们渴望帮助我取得成功. It was truly a game-changer for my business. I am genuinely grateful for the smart, strategic decision to partner with SCORE, 我强烈推荐他们的服务给其他想要茁壮成长和成功的企业主.
我很感谢SCORE对我们在Mothership Coffee Roasters取得成功的巨大贡献. 他们不断的鼓励和专业的指导是我们成长和发展中不可或缺的一部分,因为我已经把这个业务发展成为一个多连锁店, multi-vertical operation. With more than 15 years of mentorship from SCORE, our business has flourished thanks to their invaluable insights and support. 我全心全意地推荐SCORE给任何想要达到商业新高度的企业家. Trust me, 他们坚定不移的奉献精神和专业知识将帮助你打破局限的信念,朝着你的目标高飞!
The journey of entrepreneurship can be a daunting and lonely one, and when I first reached out to SCORE, I felt lost and unsure. I had no idea what to expect, what challenges lay ahead, or even what kind of success could be possible. 但后来,我的导师介入了:一位见多识广、经验丰富的商人. 他以一种我从未经历过的关心和同情把我置于他的羽翼之下. As we worked together, 我的导师与我分享了他在商业和生活中的知识和专业知识, 指引我走过成功事业和美好生活的起起伏伏. But more than that, he believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. When I doubted myself, he reminded me of my potential. And when I succeeded, he celebrated with me. 每天,我都会回想起那些早期的日子,以及我的导师对我的影响. I know that without his support, I wouldn't be the strong, resilient, and caring businesswoman I am today. So to my mentor: thank you, with all my heart. You changed my life.
我对其他企业家的建议很简单:不要低估SCORE这样的组织的巨大价值. At Mothership Coffee Roasters, 我们的成功很大程度上归功于SCORE的不断鼓励和专家指导. If you want to grow and scale your business, 寻求像SCORE这样的导师和组织,他们可以为你提供宝贵的见解, industry knowledge, and unwavering support. With their dedication and expertise, 你不仅能更有效地应对挑战,还能打破局限的信念,推动你的企业朝着最高目标前进. Embrace mentorship, 你会发现,你得到的指导可能会改变你的创业之旅.
To those considering starting their own business, 我想提供这样一条智慧:带着韧性和适应能力拥抱这段旅程. Entrepreneurship is an exhilarating but often challenging path. Be prepared for ups and downs, setbacks, and unforeseen obstacles. However, 正是这些挑战提供了一些最深刻的教训和成长机会. 坚持你的愿景,但也要足够灵活,在必要时进行调整. 向导师和SCORE这样的组织寻求指导,因为他们的见解是无价的. Remember that every setback is a chance to learn; every success is a milestone on your journey. 保持热情,不断学习,永远不要忘记你开始的初衷. With determination, adaptability, and a resilient spirit, 你将有能力驾驭不可预测的创业之路,建立一个成功的企业.