

33 Networking Groups for 女性 Business Owners
Young woman smiling as she leans against podium during her presentation


So when I started my own business (almost 15 years ago), 我的许多朋友和熟人已经在创业的战壕中,他们给了我启发和建议. 我找到了许多这样的朋友,并在许多活动中建立了关系网. So whether I was speaking at conferences, 作为记者报道事件, or attending to soak up as much knowledge as possible, meeting people was a significant benefit of putting myself out there.

如果“网络”这个词让人联想到大量的人竞相进行电梯演讲和交换名片, 然后你就被困在过去了. Today’s 网络 opportunities include small community-based volunteering, 生活在线研讨会, international gatherings of top industry experts, 和更多的. 只要你睁大眼睛,人们聚集的任何地方都有建立人脉的机会.


尽管人际关系在大流行期间受到了打击,但根据《皇冠hga010新版》最近的数据 MarTech Event Participation Index, 超过一半的受访者表示,他们“极有可能”参加今年的现场活动.

网络是一种与潜在合作伙伴、客户和专家联系的智能方式. 更有可能的是,如果有人不能帮你解决你的问题,那个人知道有人可以. 活动如此重要的一个原因是,大多数与会者都有一个共同的目标——结识新朋友,建立核心关系. 想象一下,你周围都是成功的企业主,他们在一个空间里交换新的想法, 分享最佳实践, and discussing how to overcome business challenges.

Keep the following tips in mind to make the most of 网络 opportunities.

  • 设定灵活的目标. 我参加过很多社交活动,以为自己会遇到某个特定的人,或者找到某个特定的伙伴关系, only to meet different people and make surprising connections. 没有一件事是浪费时间的. While you might not reach the goals you set to achieve at that meeting, you may still make beneficial connections.
  • 混合一下. Attending industry 网络 events is critical for business owners, but they’re not the only game in town. Volunteer your services or your time to a local community project, or offer to speak to a college entrepreneurship club. 每一个机会都是一个拓展人脉的机会,所以不要把自己局限于商业活动.
  • 参加培训班. 自学一项新技术或学习一种新的管理策略是建立强大联系的另一种方式. 你永远不知道你班上的某个人是否有你想要的技能,或者是否能帮你找到一个有价值的合作伙伴.
  • 是大胆的. It’s never advantageous to be a wallflower when you 网络. Check out the attendance list beforehand, and then make it a point to introduce yourself to the right people. 在很多情况下, there isn’t enough time to get to the point of the conversation, so be bold and ask to meet later for coffee or lunch. 在参加在线社交活动时,你也可以这样做——要求与现实生活中的人见面,继续交谈或进行一对一的电话交谈.
  • 跟进. My best advice for 网络 is to follow up. Make sure you stay “front of mind” right after the event. Make an appointment to talk again, 或者,如果你答应把他们的名字传给你的一个联系人,那就马上去做. If you don’t feel the connection needs to go any further, 说你不认为你能帮上忙,但你会保留他们的皇冠现金官网,以防万一. 你的人脉越广,你在发展业务时得到的支持就越多.

Like many successful women leaders, while you’re eager to grow your 网络 you may be unsure where to start. Check out these 网络 resources. First, let’s start with social media groups.



  1. 女性 in Leadership Learning Group - LinkedIn Learning:针对对女性领导策略主题感兴趣并希望联系的女性, 分享, 合作, 学习, 和教.
  2. 女性 & Minority: Startups, Founders, CEOs, CXOs, Business Owners & 企业家:兴趣包括创业, 业务发展, 客户增长, 管理策略, 和机会.
  3. HerBusiness: A membership community that provides 指导, 网络, 业务培训, 免费资源, 以及对女性的支持.


  4. 灯火通明 & 加载的企业家: For women startup entrepreneurs. 该组织定期分享内容、培训、挑战和每周直播.
  5. BossMomGroup目前有近73,000名会员,他们支持妈妈们养家糊口和发展事业.
  6. 女人帮助女人: 的 group’s goal is to provide women with the resources, 工具, and skills they need to prosper and succeed.


  7. Accounting and Financial 女性’s Alliance (AFWA): Networking and 学习ing opportunities for women in accounting and finance. 鼓励所有AFWA会员加入海岸到海岸连接(虚拟章),以扩大他们在全国的网络.
  8. American Business 女性’s Association (ABWA)每年在全国数百个城市举办5000多场商务/网络会议.
  9. Association for 女性 in Communication (AWC): 1个以上,100个成员, AWC的目标是通过提供学习机会和建立联系来提升妇女在通信中的作用.
  10. Association of 女性 Business Centers:提供培训, 指导, 业务发展, 在150个妇女商业中心的全国网络中提供融资机会.
  11. 首席: Group for top women business leaders.
  12. 美女集体对所有女性开放. 的 mission: to break down stereotypes of age and gender in the workforce.
  13. Ellevate网络: Holds 网络 events nationwide for women in the workforce.
  14. e女性Network: Offers “Accelerated Networking” at over 2,000 online and in-person events.
  15. 金融妇女协会:为金融行业的女性提供研讨会、活动和网络.
  16. Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association: Its mission is to further the advancement and impact of women in healthcare.
  17. 拉丁裔商界人士: Membership program celebrating and connecting 拉丁a women in business.
  18. 向前一步:定期聚会以获得同伴指导、技能培养和灵感的小型网络团体.
  19. National Association of 女性 Business Owners (NAWBO): With nearly 60 chapters and 5,000个成员, NAWBO represents women entrepreneurs across all industries.
  20. Organization of 女性 in International Trade (OWIT): OWIT Chapters host programs and events enabling members to 学习, 网络, and forge professional relationships in their business communities.
  21. 她负责经营:面向所有职业女性的网络和教育面对面和虚拟活动.
  22. 女性总裁组织 (WPO):会员组织,在美国有137个分会,提供交流和学习机会.S.美国、加拿大和其他国家.
  23. 的 女性’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC): WBENC is the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the U.S. and a leading advocate for women entrepreneurs.


  24. Alignable:一个连接小企业主的推荐网络,这样他们就可以分享建议和推荐客户.
  25. Business Networking International (BNI):专业的推荐营销计划帮助会员创造长期, meaningful professional relationships. New members can find a local chapter and attend meetings.
  26. 商会: Contact your local Chamber for their events and programs.
  27. 企业家组织: Peer-to-peer 网络 group for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, the 企业家组织 has over 16,在60多个国家拥有500名会员.
  28. 全球创业网络 (GEN): GEN提供项目和资源,以加强企业家之间的合作, 投资者, 政策制定者, 研究人员, 以及创业社区的领导者.
  29. LeTip:商业推荐网络,使企业家能够在其行业内建立强大的战略关系.
  30. MeetUp: Platform for connecting people with similar interests.
  31. Rotary: Offers 网络 and professional development. Rotary unites leaders from all continents, 文化, and occupations to exchange ideas and take action in communities worldwide.
  32. 皇冠现金官网:当地分会的活动,网络,指导和学习机会. Also, visit 皇冠现金官网’s 女性 Business Leaders’ Resource Center.
  33. U.S. 小企业管理局 (SBA):找到你当地的SBA办公室,寻找人际关系网和学习机会.

Still, looking for the perfect 网络 community? 为什么不自己创业呢? 与某人见面 皇冠现金官网的导师 in your city to get help creating a new 网络 group.

Rieva Lesonsky
Rieva Lesonsky is president and CEO of GrowBiz Media, 一家专注于小企业和创业的定制内容和媒体公司, and the blog SmallBusinessCurrents.com.
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格伦·W. 贝利基金会

格伦·W. 贝利基金会 是佛罗里达, 纽约, 康涅狄格州和华盛顿特区的组织正在努力帮助我们实现我们的愿景,并继续我们的使命,培养STEM职业和创业机会的成功途径. 本基金会的工作重点还包括解决复杂的环境和高死亡率疾病研究经费问题.

格伦·W. 贝利基金会
Delegates Networking At Conference Drinks Reception
Networking is a time-consuming and frustrating process. 这个工具会分析你当前的网络,并决定在哪里和谁一起度过你的时间.

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, 及/或在此表达的建议是作者的意见,并不一定反映本局的意见.

