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by Christie Denson
May 9, 2024
May is Mental Health Month

创业常常被视为一种令人振奋的、雄心勃勃的冒险. 然而,这也是一条充满巨大压力、不可预见的挑战和巨大压力的道路. According to a study by Startup Snapshot, 72%的创业者经历过与创业相关的心理健康问题, such as high stress, anxiety, burnout, depression, and panic attacks.

This Mental Health Month, let's explore essential tips to build resilience, 特别是对于那些在建立和维持企业的复杂性中导航的企业家.  我们包括了一些来自SCORE皇冠现金官网导师和认证生活教练的见解 Susan Livermore-Costa, who often works with entrepreneurs facing these challenges.

Establish a Routine

稳定的日常生活可以通过创造一种正常感和控制感来显著影响你的心理健康. Entrepreneurs are frequently caught in a whirlwind of tasks. 有一个结构化的时间表有助于管理这些责任,包括关键的停机时间.

“在你的日程安排中建立常规会给你的大脑提供指导、方向和可预测性.  当你这样做的时候,你会变得更专注,更有效率,更放松,”苏珊解释道.  "What entrepreneur doesn't want that, right?" 

Consider integrating consistent check-ins with SCORE mentors, who offer regular intervals of expert advice and grounding, and can also become part of this routine.

Set Boundaries

明确工作和个人生活之间的界限对心理健康至关重要. 这可能意味着下班后关掉通知,或者留出特定的日子来放松或与家人在一起. Delineate specific times for business planning, ensuring that work does not overrun your personal life.

Susan admits that this can be easier said than done.

Her tip:  At the beginning of each week, 决定你将多少时间分配给工作和个人生活.  写下为什么你把“x”时间分配给工作,把“x”时间分配给个人生活.  她鼓励你和别人分享你的计划,这样他们就会知道本周你会做什么.  苏珊还建议为停止工作和开始个人生活设置一个闹钟,以帮助你坚持自己的计划. 

"Remind yourself why you spend that time in each area of your life.  It will give you a reason to stick to your plan.  你可以选择在哪里花时间来创造你想要的生活平衡.  If you do this consistently, 你会对自己在工作和个人生活中的时间感觉更好,也会更有能力控制自己的时间.  You will begin to trust yourself more.  Your overall life will become more enjoyable," she adds.

Prioritize Physical Health

Your physical health directly influences your mental well-being. 有规律的锻炼、均衡的饮食和充足的睡眠是基本的. 企业家应将这些活动视为不可谈判的约定.

Susan shared a few quick ideas. "For your mental health, you could simply take 1 minute before your lunch, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think, 'My mind is open and relaxed.'   For your emotional health, 你可以在一天中每完成一项任务后给自己一个微笑,有意识地感到快乐整整一分钟.  For your physical health, you could do ten jumping jacks, take a walk, or stretch for 5 minutes after lunch," she explains.

关键是要让它变得简单和有趣,这样培养你的整体健康就会成为你生活中自动的常规. 记住,照顾好自己的身体是对事业成功的一种投资. 

Seek Professional Help When Needed

苏珊说:“精神上和情感上的压力是企业家很自然的一部分。.  “但当这些压力成为常态,而不是偶尔发生时, 这是一个很好的时机,可以考虑向那些可以帮助你度过旅程中更具挑战性的部分的人伸出援手.”

As you would consult a SCORE mentor for business advice, 把心理健康专家视为你的基本支持网络的一部分. They can provide strategies and tools to manage stress effectively.  根据你的需要,像苏珊这样的生活教练可以是一个很好的资源,或者考虑一个治疗师.  

"Remember, you do not have to be in this alone.  很多人都想帮助你,但这取决于你主动伸出手来迈出第一步.  你可以选择一位教练或导师来帮助你更顺利地度过日常生活的起起伏伏,也可以选择一位治疗师来帮助你深入挖掘,解决更深层次的问题.  寻求帮助可以帮助你度过生活中的艰难时刻.  只是表达你生活中发生的事情和你的感受通常会释放一些紧张情绪."

For Mental Health Resources in Minnesota, See the National Alliance on Mental Issues Minnesota.

Build a Support Network

The entrepreneurial journey can be lonely, but a robust support network can alleviate stress and isolation. 这应该包括专业联系和个人支持,但也要扩展到同行企业家的网络. SCORE在这一领域表现出色,它为创业者提供了交流活动和同侪学习的机会, share experiences, and support each other's growth.

"Two heads are often better than one.  Asking for help allows you to get another perspective on things, come up with new ideas, 学习一些新的工具来帮助你感觉更好,更轻松地度过你的一天," explains Susan. "Many people want to help you; that's why they do what they do; you just need to reach out and ask for it so you can stop spinning on your own and start to move on with your life in a more pleasurable way."

Prioritize Building Resilience

Entrepreneurs often prioritize their business goals above all else, 但照顾好自己的心理健康对于维持个人成就感和职业成功至关重要. This Mental Health Month, 花点时间反思你的实践,考虑如何整合SCORE资源和其他健康策略来提高你的工作效率和整体生活质量.

“适应力来自于你的目标,或者你为什么要做你正在做的事情.  记住你的目的和“为什么”会给你“果汁”和能量,让你继续朝着你的目标前进," Susan adds.

“记住,创造你真正想要的生活需要时间和精力.  考虑把你的“为什么”写在一张便利贴上,放在你的电脑上,这样你就可以每天读它来激励你继续前进!  You've got this!"


About the author
Christie Denson | Christie Denson Communications
Christie Denson
Christie Denson Communications
Read full bio
7760 France Ave S, Suite 1100
Bloomington, MN 55435
(952) 938-4570

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